Arka Sana, Editor(thebengalexpress.in): Battle of Titans: Kapil Sibal vs Indira Jaising, A Gripping Duel in the Supreme Court. It was like a fierce battle between a tigress and a lion… As Nabakumar would say, “Ah, what have I witnessed, I shall never forget this for lifetimes to come.”
Today, for the first time, I watched the entire proceedings in the Supreme Court without moving even once. The tension was so palpable, I couldn’t tear myself away. As the arguments began, three familiar faces stood out among the sea of veteran lawyers representing both the petitioner and the respondent. But even they seemed to pale next to the towering presence of Kapil Sibal and Indira Jaising, much like a faint moon in the noonday sky.
In the previous two hearings, the exchanges between Kapil Sibal and Solicitor General Tushar Mehta had been captivating. Questions about the status of the evidence, the movement’s future, and other critical issues had been addressed. But today, all eyes were on Indira Jaising, who was arguing for the first time in this case.
Battle of Titans: Kapil Sibal vs Indira Jaising, A Gripping Duel in the Supreme Court

The veteran lawyer remained silent at first, letting the proceedings unfold. Two notable women spoke against the state today. First, Karuna Nundy, representing the doctors, began her argument. Her calm demeanor carried an undertone of anxiety as she raised concerns about the doctors’ safety and the use of CCTV cameras. Once Karuna finished, the 84-year-old Indira Jaising took the stage.
When Jaising requested a document from Kapil Sibal, and he hesitated to hand it over, her voice rose in a flash, “What’s the problem in giving your copy?” Sibal, in a softer tone, replied, “I will… I will.” But Indira, her voice sharp again, asked, “Why come to court without an extra copy?”
At one point, Jaising interrupted Sibal mid-sentence, stopping him from continuing. When he tried to resume, she cut him off once again, prompting Sibal to say, “Sorry, sorry…” and smile. As the hearing neared its end, Jaising’s voice only grew more resolute.
During a previous hearing, Sibal had passionately argued for the return of the junior doctors to work. But today, before he could even address the issue, Jaising cut him off, declaring, “No, they won’t return to work now. Give us guarantees first, then we’ll talk.” Even as Sibal tried to present the Chief Minister’s assurances, Jaising’s arguments were unstoppable. Not even the Chief Justice himself could silence her towards the end of the hearing.

Witnessing the exchange between two of the country’s most seasoned lawyers, Indira Jaising and Kapil Sibal, felt like watching the climax of a grand film. In the final few moments of the hearing, 84-year-old Jaising wielded her arguments with such finesse that I was left in awe. On September 9, Kapil Sibal had secured a crucial directive from the Supreme Court, which required junior doctors to return to work by 5 PM on September 10.
Much water has flowed under the bridge since then. Kapil, having found himself on the back foot during earlier arguments, prompted a change in the legal team. This time, Indira Jaising, at 84, was brought in to take on the 76-year-old Sibal. Despite Sibal’s best efforts, he couldn’t extract a Supreme Court directive to bring the junior doctors back to work. Jaising stood firm, holding the wicket like a true defender.
The entire nation, along with me, witnessed an extraordinary duel of words, unparalleled in its intensity. As Jatayu would say, “Last time was the desert, and this time the snow? From the frying pan to the freezer? This is beyond imagination, my friend!”